Promotional Merchandise

Using Workwear to Reinforce Your Brand


Your staff are the best advertisement for your brand and your business. In store or in the field, your brand will stand out from the crowd. Providing branded workwear helps your staff to feel ownership in the culture and vision of the business and lends to the idea of ‘living the brand’ in all aspects of the work they do. Staff become a walking billboard as they feel they have something to live up to and can reinforce the messages of company while maintaining a professional image.

Polos Frank    Workwear PET-Xi image    Hiab workwear

From a customer point of view, branded workwear also helps your staff to be easily identified if customers are seeking help or support. We’ve all experienced frustration in a shop or while attending an event; we try to look for someone to ask a simple question – and they can’t be found! With company uniform you make it easier for your customers to find the answers they need.

Providing appropriate workwear is especially important for employees to carry out their job safely. Hi-visibility garments and protective clothing are important ways of minimising risk. If workwear is required for safety, then its use by staff is even easier to enforce. Using this workwear as part of your marketing is just another way to utilise branding space.

There are two sides to every marketing move you make and the idea of using branded workwear is no different. There are some great benefits to investing in branded workwear that are worth considering:

– Make your staff stand out from the crowd
– Reinforce branding
– Showcase values and culture
– Staff feel part of a team
Staff feel ownership and responsibility
Meets safety requirements
Staff feel more comfortable

At Graphic Arts Group, we try to make it easy for our customers to implement a branded workwear plan for their staff. We’re able to supply a wide range of products and colours to suit the needs of your brand, culture and ultimately the staff as well. We work hard to ensure that the branding colours are exactly what you need to make sure your staff look great and represent the company at the highest standards.


It is amazing how the strategic use of colour and branding can really make your staff stand out and look great while representing your business. It helps team members feel a sense of belonging as the team works towards goals together. A great example of this is our work with PET-Xi, one of our long-term customers. The company relies on Graphic Arts for their famous branded pink ties and scarves. The consistent use of the ‘PET-Xi pink’ colour throughout their print, products, and workwear accessories, bring together their branding in an energising and unified way.

Getting the distinct colour for your brand may sometimes be a challenge for you, depending on the product or material used. Using Graphic Arts Group as ‘one port of call’ gives you the confidence you need as we strive to maintain consistency in the important brand colour regardless of the items required.

Give us a call today and we can help resolve your workwear needs today.