We were asked to supply and install the 2020 Remembrance Poppy Wrap for Warwickshire County Council & Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service.
It was great to get involved with this project at an early stage, including the specification. Specifying the materials is really important to get right on any vehicle wrap, but especially with a Fire Engine which is subjected to very harsh environments.
When these vehicles are on duty, fire fighters have a job to do, but being gentle to the graphics isn’t one of them! To ensure the graphics were up to the task, we selected a high-grade polymeric vinyl with a tough laminated finish, this base material is resistant to shrinkage, and the tough laminate will protect the wrap for the duration of the campaign.
Our production team printed each shutter door in 1 whole piece. This allowed the installation team to apply the graphic as one to ensure the layout is correct. They then trimmed all four edges on each individual slat of the shutter door, including both top and bottom edge at a 45-degree angle. Cutting in this way prevents the vinyl from flicking up, giving longevity for the graphic wrap, and more importantly, ensure there is nothing that could hinder the shutter opening or closing when in use.
A commemorative project that effectively communicates a poignant message. You can hear the Chief Fire officer Kieran Amos speaking on BBCCWR here: http://bbc.in/38EEIkg
#ArmisticeDay #CouncilsCan #warwickshirecountycouncil #warwickshireFRS #vehiclewrap